សូមចំណាំថា​កំពង់ផែអាមេរិក​បានផ្លាស់ប្តូរបទបញ្ញត្តិរបស់ខ្លួន​ទាក់ទងនឹង​យានយន្តមិនអាចបើកបរបាន និងខូចខាតធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ។ សូម​ចំណាំថា​ Auction Export នឹងប្រើការដឹកជញ្ជូនតាមកុងតឺន័រសម្រាប់យានយន្តខូចខាតធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ មិនអាចបើកបរបាន ដែលត្រូវលើក និងត្រូវទៅអាហ្រ្វិកខាងលិច។ យានយន្តដែលអាចបើកបរនិងគ្មានការខូចខាតធ្ងន់ធ្ងរទាំងអស់នឹងត្រូវដឹកតាម RORO ដូចធម្មតា រីឯយានយន្តមិនអាចបើកបរបាន និងមិនមានការខូចខាតធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ​នឹងត្រូវទទួលដោយ RORO TOWABLE។ កំពង់ផែទិសដៅនឹងនៅតែដូចគ្នានឹងកំពង់ផែ Tincan សម្រាប់ប្រទេសនីហ្សេរីយ៉ា និងកំពង់ផែតេម៉ាសម្រាប់​ប្រទេសហ្គាណា។

Import process to Ukraine. Please, get familiar with some points that will help to make the import procedure as simple and fast as possible.

How to receive the car at the port of Odessa?
Before the container's arrival, please contact the forwarding agent that will handle the unloading and customs clearance of the whole container, and provide him with all necessary documents. Please, find the agent's contact information in the copy of Bill of Lading which has been uploaded on your profile after the container loading.
Payment for customs duties, forklift services and other expenses associated with receiving your vehicle at the port, is to be made to the agent specified in the Bill of Lading, as these expenses are not included in the transportation cost.
The agent will contact you to specify the date of the container opening. Right after its disclosure, be sure to view the vehicle carefully and in a case there are any damages, please take pictures and provide the agent or Shipping department of Auction Export with them.
After customs clearing process and payment of all necessary duties and services, the car can be picked up from the port for further registration.
Contact the agent, provide the documents and pay for the customs duties.
On the date specified (within a week after container's arrival) the container will be opened and the car is to be inspected.
Forwarding the car and payment for agent services (about $450)
Pick up the car, keys and documents for further registration.
Your own container:
In order to receive vehicles that have not been consolidated, you don't have to refer to Auction Export agent. You just only need to provide us with the Consignee release form filled out with information about consignee and the person who is supposed to receive the original car documents.
Container will arrive in Odessa port, documents will be sent to the address you've specified, the rest you'll need to handle on your own.
Important to remember:
there is a limited timeframe for the car to stay at the port free of charge, thus it's crucial to provide all necessary documents on time. One week of demurrage of sealed container has already been included in the forwarding services cost, afterwards there are additional charges, depending on the shipping line. In a case after container opening, vehicles stay in the port territory, demurrage of 180 UAH will be applied starting the first day.
Auction Export doesn't work with directly with Ukrainian customs, but in a case of request neither Auction Export nor forwarding agent have no right to refuse customs service in providing any additional information, as it's against current legislation. Please, also note that while container opening, there will always be representatives of Сustoms, Security Service of Ukraine and so on.
Duty calculator provides information about reduced customs clearance cost according to the Ukrainian Act "Про внесення зміни до підрозділу 5 розділу XX "Перехідні положення" Податкового кодексу України щодо стимулювання розвитку ринку вживаних транспортних засобів" http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1389-19
Each citizen of Ukraine has the right to import one vehicle per year according to above mentioned conditions. Please, consider this fact while purchasing the next car that you plan to import to Ukraine.
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